What is your exit plan?

Man with briefcase walking away. For sale sign in front of house. Both images illustrate the need to document your processes as part of your exit plan.

You won't believe how much easier the transition will be when you're ready to sell your business, retire, or lose a valued employee.

Two weeks is not enough time to capture all the knowledge stored in the head of a key employee who just gave notice.

Two months is not enough time to document all the details of how your business runs, when it comes time to sell.

By starting to document your processes now, using a simple framework for prioritizing, writing, organizing, and maintaining your processes, and working at a sustainable pace, your processes will be in place when you need them.

For a dive into more details and tips on documenting your processes, follow the link to
How Clear Processes Add Value, episode 72 of Ed Mysogland’s How to Sell a Business Podcast.


Stop Running Your Business From Memory