What is Documentation Anyway?

But what does it mean to document? What exactly is documentation? I’ve found the term can be confusing. When I tell people that I help businesses document their operations, I’m often met with a blank stare. Sometimes people think I’m referring to writing official documents that relate to the government or some kind of regulation. Or, they think I’m writing employee policy manuals, something an HR consultant is more likely to do.

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5 Signs You Are Running Your Business From Your Head – and why you should stop

When you start a business, it all starts in your head. You have an idea, fuel it with passion, and then make it real. In the early days of running your business, creating documentation is usually low priority. Accumulated knowledge stays in your head while you figure out what works and what doesn’t.

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Why every business needs an owner’s manual (aka operations manual)

Remember the last time you were driving and one of those pesky warning lights showed up when it was most inconvenient? Or, you were trying to figure out how to turn on the lights for that rental car? After a futile attempt to figure it out through trial and error, you probably looked in the glove box, pulled out the owner’s manual, and found the information you needed.

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